Powered Rails

Powered Rails provides a rich API for development of awesome plugins. Don't fret if you don't know much about computers though. Rails provides a library of custom and staff made panels to use on your server.
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Rails Developer

Rails has a complex WebAPI and ServerAPI, for creating website-based plugins and server-based plugins. You can also inter-connect the two, visit RDN (Rails Developer Network) for more information about how to use these awesome tools.
Server plugins have never been better!
developer network

Visit the Community

Rails has an avid community, full of passionate gamers and modders, but it doesn't stop there! Rails community is full of creators. Art, developers, server hosts, and more are waiting to chat at the click of a button! Visit the community section now to talk to fellow Minecrafters.


To help Powered Rails continue thriving and working, we would much appreiciate a small donation. Rails wouldn't be possible without donators. So, even a small donation would help contribute to our project. This money is non profit and goes right back to the Rails Project.

We're still working.

Rails is a work in progress. We have meerly started this long adventure to build a better minecraft community. You can track our progress from GitHub. You can also help contribute to Powered Rails on our GitHub by forking projects. You won't believe what's in-store, as this is a never-ending project!

Here's why you should use Powered Rails...

We’re Awesome

We have to say, we're really really awesome. This awesome project is going to be really, really, really cool. We want you to enjoy it.
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We’re Awesome

We have to say, we're really really awesome. This awesome project is going to be really, really, really cool. We want you to enjoy it.
Button Text

We’re Awesome

We have to say, we're really really awesome. This awesome project is going to be really, really, really cool. We want you to enjoy it.
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